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The Best Automated Workflows for Government 2023: A Cheat Sheet

By John Williams Morales

Local governments across the nation are grappling with the pressing need to modernize and optimize their operational processes. The challenges stemming from manual, time-consuming, and outdated workflows have become all too familiar for government officials. 

These issues result in wasted time and resources and lead to costly mistakes and growing constituent frustration. However, there is a viable solution at hand that can alleviate these burdens and significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of local government operations. 

Let's dive into the world of government automation. Huge advantages and benefits await your municipality once your local government harnesses the transformative power of automation, allowing it to operate at its full potential and better serve the needs of your community.  Get a GovPilot Demo

What Is Government Automation?

Government automation is the process of using technology to make government processes smoother and provide better services to citizens. Automation can expedite workflows for public record filing, filling OPRA requests, and other key municipal services. 

Let's say you were a government official. Your main job is to ensure your constituents receive top-notch governance. Here's where GovPilot's government software solutions come into play as a valuable partner. They help you improve how your government works by making things more accurate, transparent, and faster.

Why Should Local Governments Consider Automating? 

The idea behind automation is to make government tasks easier to manage. Think about permits, inspections, and citizen engagement, among other things. These processes can get complex, but the goal is to make them simpler and more user-friendly.

As a government official, you are vital to achieving this goal. Choosing government automation software like GovPilot is like giving your team a powerful set of tools. These tools help you remove obstacles in your processes, reduce errors, and speed up how you provide essential services.

Ultimately, automation ensures that your government operates with greater precision, transparency, and timeliness. This way, you fulfill your core responsibility of giving your constituents the best possible governance, making their lives easier, and improving their overall experience with your government.

How Can Government Processes Be Automated?

Government automation involves leveraging technology such as robotic process automation to simplify and enhance the management of government tasks. It entails shifting from manual, paper-based methods towards digital and optimized workflows. This transformation aims to speed up tasks, minimize errors, and promote transparency in government operations.

Government automation can also significantly impact various aspects of local governance. These aspects include inspections, government payment processes, and online permit filing. 

Take inspections, for instance; instead of dealing with stacks of paperwork, automation enables the use of digital forms that are easily accessible and can be swiftly processed. This reduces the likelihood of errors and accelerates the entire procedure. 

Government payment processes become more efficient, ensuring accurate and timely payment processing. Online permit filing simplifies the application process for citizens and businesses, making it convenient and accessible.

Without automation, local governments often grapple with several pressing issues. These encompass time-consuming manual data entry, a heightened risk of errors, data management challenges, and delayed response times. 

For instance, consider the scenario where the inspection department is inundated with paperwork. This can lead to approval delays and potential safety concerns due to the time it takes to process paperwork. Moreover, manual processes often yield inconsistent data, making it difficult to analyze trends and make informed decisions. 

These issues can lead to constituent frustration, diminished trust, and reduced overall operational efficiency for local governments.

By embracing automation, these challenges are directly addressed, resulting in streamlined processes, reduced errors, and an overall improvement in the quality of government services delivered to constituents.

How Automation Is Helpful to Local Governments

As we explore the realm of government automation, it becomes evident that this transformative approach revolutionizes the inner workings of public administration. Here are some of the most significant ways government automation aids your local community.

  •  Streamlines Government Workflows 

Automation is reshaping how the government operates, simplifying and accelerating processes. Take field inspections, for instance. When inspectors are inundated with piles of paper forms and manual data entry, their fieldwork can be delayed for days.

With automation, they use digital tools and the government cloud to swiftly enter data, verify details, and generate on-site reports.

Learn how innovative government technology like Mobile Field Devices can improve operations in your municipality. 

  • Government Cloud Access

GovPilot's software enables remote government work through use of the government cloud. In emergencies, key leaders can access data, collaborate, and make decisions remotely, ensuring uninterrupted services.

  • Advanced Data Security and Management

In today's digital age, data security is vital. Automation secures sensitive information, storing government data safely, encrypting transmissions, and creating automatic backups. They also have protocols in store in case of IT Disasters. Further, automation powered by GovPilot's GIS tools, simplifies data tracking and analysis for government officials to study trends. In urban planning, for instance, automation makes managing land use, zoning, and development data effortless, aiding informed decisions.

Learn more about the Government Cybersecurity Best Practices and How to Prevent Public Sector Data Breaches.

  • Cost Efficiency

Automation streamlines administrative tasks which reduces various unnecessary costs throughout the municipality. For instance, data entry for business licenses or building permits is faster and more accurate, cutting the need for extensive administrative staff and man hours spent to file the documents.

  • Enhanced Citizen Services

Automation improves government services. Consider citizens applying for permits online. Automation expedites these applications, ensuring swift responses and approvals making services more accessible and user-friendly.

Streamlining Vital Government Processes with Automation

While automation generally benefits the government, here are some specific processes that automation could optimize directly. 

1. Field Reporting and Government Cloud Use

Traditionally, field inspectors wrestled with paper forms, causing delays. Automation and the government cloud allow them to swiftly input data, verify details, and generate on-site reports through digital files. This boosts efficiency and frees inspectors for critical fieldwork.

2. Efficient Administrative Forms

Automation simplifies administrative forms like Work Orders. It reduces errors and reliance on administrative staff, yielding cost savings.

3. Inspection Workflows

Automation enhances inspection workflows, whether for construction or health inspections. Digital forms, accessible databases, and automated notifications expedite inspections, ensuring precision and transparency.

Learn more about Modernizing Local Health Inspection Workflows. 

4. Smooth Payment and Fee Processing

Automation improves payment and fee processing, reducing errors and enhancing constituent satisfaction with efficient payment options.

Local governments deliver precise, transparent, and timely services by automating these processes, fulfilling their governance responsibilities to the community.

How Automation Is Helpful to Citizens

Government automation doesn't just simplify operations for local governments; it also offers numerous benefits to citizens, enhancing their experience with government services.

  • Time-Saving Convenience 

Automation saves citizens valuable time. Rather than making trips to city halls for permit applications or other services, citizens can conveniently complete these tasks online from the comfort of their homes or offices. This means no more waiting in long lines or dealing with office hours constraints.

  • Swift Responses and Updates 

With automation in place, citizens no longer have to wonder about the status of their permit or license applications. Automated systems provide prompt feedback, informing applicants about real-time approvals or denials. This transparency fosters trust and satisfaction among constituents.

  • Improved Communication 

Citizens can communicate more effectively with government officials through automated systems. Whether it's reporting concerns, seeking information, or offering feedback, the channels for interaction are more accessible and responsive. This strengthens the relationship between citizens and their government, enhancing overall governance.

Learn more about Improving Government-Citizen Communications

Enhanced citizen services through automation can also contribute to officials' re-election prospects. When constituents experience efficient, user-friendly interactions with their government, they are more likely to support and re-elect officials who prioritize modernization and customer-centric solutions.

Using the Software: Online Permitting Applications, Reporting Concerns, and Payment Processing

Citizens can leverage government automation software for various purposes:

1. Online Permitting Applications 

Applying for permits and licenses becomes a hassle-free experience. Citizens can easily access application forms online, complete them, and submit them digitally. This expedites the process and ensures that applications are accurate and complete.

GOVTIP: Consider the following permits and licenses that can be issued fully online: 

2. Reporting Concerns

Automation and Report-A-Concern software simplifies the process of reporting concerns to local authorities. Whether it's a pothole, a street light issue, or a public safety concern, citizens can submit their reports through the GovAlert mobile app. Automated systems immediately route these concerns to the relevant departments after submission, ensuring a swift response from government officials.

3. Payment and Fee Processing

Citizens can make payments and process fees conveniently through automation. Whether paying property taxes, utility bills, or fines, online payment options streamline the process, offering secure and efficient transaction methods.

By automating these services, government officials bring the government to the people. The citizens no longer have to spend the effort to report and transact in government offices; instead, they can do it in the comfort of their home or workplace, straight from their computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Key Ways to Automate Operations in Your Municipality

Automation acts as a bridge between departments, enabling seamless data sharing and collaboration. It eliminates silos, ensuring that information is readily accessible to relevant parties. This level of interdepartmental communication enhances decision-making, reduces response times, and promotes transparency. 

It ensures that your municipality operates  with a well-coordinated workflow, delivering better services to your constituents. 

It also enhances interdepartmental communications, fostering efficiency and collaboration within your municipality. Here's how various departments can benefit from automation.

1. Public Works

Automation can significantly improve the operations of your Public Works department. With automated asset management, real-time tracking of assets becomes a breeze. This ensures that assets are properly maintained and replaced when necessary.

GIS Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are crucial in data-driven decision-making. By providing visual representations of data, GIS helps in better asset management, project planning, and resource allocation. Learn more about How Municipalities Need to Use GIS Maps

Check out GovPilot’s Department of Public Works Software to learn more. 

2. Clerks Department

Automation can streamline various processes in the Clerk Department. For instance, business registration becomes quicker and more accurate when businesses can submit their applications online. Similarly, pet licensing can be automated, allowing citizens to easily register their pets and receive renewal reminders, ensuring compliance.

Learn more about Municipal and County Clerks' Software here. 

3. Parks and Rec Department

Automation can simplify registrations and space rentals in the Parks and Rec Department. Citizens can conveniently register for recreational activities, classes, and events online. The automation system can manage registrations, process payments, and communicate with participants. 

When renting parks and recreational spaces, an online booking system can provide citizens with information on availability, allow them to submit rental requests, and issue permits digitally.

Keep reading to learn more about Recreation Management Software for the Parks & Rec Department  from our resource, and check out our Parks & Recreation Department Software

4. Health Department

The Health Department can benefit from automation in health inspections and reporting. Inspectors can use mobile apps to record inspection findings and generate reports instantly. Automated notifications ensure that follow-up actions are swift and compliance is maintained.

Learn more about GovPilot’s Health Department Software

5. Planning and Zoning

Automation can simplify zoning permits and land use applications in the Planning and Zoning Department. Online application processes reduce paperwork and processing time. Automated workflows can efficiently route applications for reviews and approvals.

Learn more about How to Modernize Planning & Zoning Workflows using Planning and Zoning Software.

Embrace GovPilot and Transform Your Local Government

The challenges of manual, time-consuming processes are all too familiar, but the solutions are within reach. With GovPilot, you have a trusted partner ready to help you streamline operations, improve communication, and deliver top-notch governance to your constituents.

The path to enhancing your town's services and ushering in a new era of efficiency and transparency is clear. Government automation through GovPilot software is the key to unlocking the full potential of your local government. 

By embracing this transformative technology, you empower your municipality to provide services that help you serve your community's needs.

Take the first step towards a brighter future for your town by booking a free consultation—embrace automation, enhance cross-departmental collaboration, and foster cooperation. Let's build an efficient, responsive, and committed local government to the community's well-being. Together, we can make it happen.

Government Automation FAQs

  • Why Should Local Governments Embrace Automated Workflows?

Automated workflows bring a heightened level of efficiency and productivity to government operations by automating routine tasks and processes. This automation allows employees to redirect their efforts towards more strategic and impactful initiatives and achieving goals faster.Further, automated workflows contribute to substantial cost savings by reducing reliance on manual labor, minimizing paper usage, and streamlining processes.

  • How Does Government Automation Benefit Citizens? 

Government automation provides many benefits to citizens including efficiency and convenience. Through automation, citizens experience streamlined and expedited processes when interacting with government agencies such as obtaining permits, applying for benefits, or paying taxes, saving citizens valuable time and reducing man hours for government employees.

  • What Government Software Can Help Automate Government Processes?

Government permitting solutions such as permitting software, payment and fee processing software, construction software, zoning software, and citizen reporting software are just some of the most common key solutions utilized by local governments to help with digital transformation and automation. 

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Tags: Government Efficiency, Constituent Experience, Digital Transformation, GovTech