What did you want to be when you grew-up? Does it resemble your current career path? If so, it may have been written in the...
Tags: Constituent Engagement, GIS Map, Government Efficiency, Blog
Think of the tools we use to teach children—the storybooks that instill morals, the magnets shaped like letters of the alphabet...
Tags: Government Efficiency, Blog
Your father’s company may have gifted him with a gold watch at his retirement party. The startup you daughter works at may offer...
Tags: Government Efficiency, Blog
As a Building and Construction professional, you know the critical importance of proper support. You wouldn’t (and Code...
We’ve written extensively about the importance of aggregating and tracking data, but what good is all that information if you and...
Tags: Constituent Engagement, Open Data, Government Efficiency, Blog
With the recent rerelease of Die Hard, news of a Baby-Sitters Club reboot coming to Netflix and the triumphant return of hair...
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