Government Trends & Technology Blog

7 Actionable Tips for City Managers & Administrators in 2023

City administrators play a significant role in strategizing and allocating budgets across local government departments. 

(6 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, GovAlert Mobile App, Government Efficiency, Constituent Experience, Digital Transformation, Blog

8 Actionable Tips for Local Public Health Directors: Tech, Workflow, & Strategic Planning Strategies 2023

If there’s a key takeaway from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s how integral local public health departments are to public safety. The...

(6 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency, Digital Transformation, Blog, GovInspect App, Health Department, Public Health

Local Government Retail Food Establishment Inspection Strategy: Health Tech & Workflows 2023

When it comes to local health inspections, ensuring that retail food establishments meet local, state, and federal quality...

(7 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency, Constituent Experience, Digital Transformation, Blog, GovInspect App, Public Health

New Jersey DOH Grants for Local Public Health Infrastructure: Everything to Know

The New Jersey Department of Health recently announced over $116.5 million to be allocated towards local public health department...

(7 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency, Digital Transformation, Blog, GovInspect App, American Rescue Plan

Modern Government Fee & Fine Processing Models 2023: Everything to Know

Your local government’s budget is directly impacted by fee and fine collection. Whether your local government is collecting a fee...

(6 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, Government Efficiency, Constituent Experience, Digital Transformation, Blog

Government Communications Strategy 2023: Engaging With Colleagues & Constituents

Relying on in person communication and interactions were something that local government officials took for granted until...

(8 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, GovAlert Mobile App, Constituent Experience, Digital Transformation, Blog

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