While some government employees can complete their day-to-day responsibilities without leaving City Hall, most find themselves...
Tags: GIS Map, GovAlert Mobile App, Government Efficiency, Digital Transformation, Blog, GovInspect App
The U.S has seen many devastating and historic natural disasters over the past decade, including the never-seen-before, 2023...
Tags: Government Efficiency, Digital Transformation, Blog, Emergency Management, American Rescue Plan
In order to fund budgets, local governments need to collect money from their citizens - from property taxes to fines for code...
Tags: Constituent Engagement, Government Efficiency, Constituent Experience, Digital Transformation, Blog
With limited resources and limitless expectations from your citizens, every dollar in your local government budget counts. Yet,...
While many local governments are taking strides towards a digital transformation, those that aren’t adapting with the times are...
Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Blog
In an era characterized by rapid modernization, increased constituent expectations, shrinking budgets, and unpredictable outside...
Tags: Government Efficiency, Constituent Experience, Digital Transformation, Blog
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