Government Trends & Technology Blog

Crowdsourcing Local Talent: Tapping into the Power of Citizen Co-Creation

Everyday, municipal leaders must balance the need for innovation with the harsh reality of constrained resources. Faced with...

(5 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, Constituent Experience

Building Trust Through Tech: How Software Enhances Accountability and Engagement

In an age where misinformation can spread rapidly and public scrutiny is at an all-time high, the pressure on local officials to...

(5 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, Constituent Experience, Digital Transformation

How Eco-Friendly Software Solutions are Reducing Municipal Carbon Footprints

Traditionally bound by paper-heavy processes and energy-intensive practices, municipal operations have contributed to...

(7 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency, Health Department, Public Health

The Secret Ingredient of Successful Online Citizen Engagement Platforms

While digital platforms offer unprecedented access and convenience, they also confront municipalities with the complexities of...

(5 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, Constituent Experience, Civic Engagement

Ways You Are Already Using AI in Everyday Life

AI is Everywhere, Even If You Don’t Realize It

In the hum of daily life, AI quietly orchestrates a symphony of convenience and...

(6 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency, Digital Transformation, GovTech

A Day in the Life of a City Manager: How Daily Operations Can Be Improved With GovTech

Known as the backbone of municipal administration, City Managers are responsible for ensuring that the daily operations of...

(5 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, Digital Transformation

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