Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Please attach any documents related to your business.
If this is a NEW business, you are required to present a Registration Certificate.
Tax Exempt ID #
Next Steps
Email *
Property Owner Name
Business Address *
Phone Number *
Business Name *
License Application
Federal ID #
State *
If "Yes", is a private security company used?
Business Structure *
City of
Owner Name *
Business Details
Residential Address *
City *
Are alcoholic beverages sold? *
Property Owner
Applicant Signature *
Is this a Woman Owned Business?
NJ Business Registration #
Phone Number *
Are you registered with the Fire Marshal?
The Clerks Department will contact you with the applicable fees due. Once approved the license will not be issued until payment is received.
Please be advised that our acceptable payment methods are Money Order or Certified Check.
Owner City, State, ZIP
Address of the Business (will populate below)*
City *
Emergency Contact Name *
Is this a New or Existing Application? *
If not, please explain why.
Have all Certificate and/or Licenses required by the State of New Jersey been obtained to operate this business? *
Phone Number *
319 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
(609) 989-3187
If applicant is not the owner of the property, a notarized letter OR signed lease granting permission of use from the owner is required. This letter must be dated within the past twelve (12) months.
Trade Name
Do you have live entertainment or a DJ at least part of your operating hours? *
Emergency Contact
Are food items sold on the premises? *
Business Owner
List Certificate and/or License Numbers
If "Yes", enter the registration number.
I have read, understand and agree to comply with all Ordinances and Inspections pertaining to the business including, but not limited to zoning, operations, construction and all others deemed necessary by either the City of Trenton, Mercer County and/or the State of New Jersey.

If you have questions about this process you should be directed to The NJ Division of Fire Safety, Bureau of Fire Code Enforcement located at 101 South Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08625. The registration can also be completed online by following this link:
Carefuly select the business category that best describes your business. *
See additional instructions by the City of Trenton (if applicable)
The emergency contact must not be the business owner.
State *
Is this a Minority Owned Business?