Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
City of
Applicant Name *
Before you submit an application for handicapped parking, please make sure that none of the following apply to you or the front of your property:

State of New Jersey parking prohibitions:
- Within 35 feet of a sideline of a street
- Within 25 feet of a crosswalk
- Within an intersection
- Within 50 feet of a stop sign
- Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant

Areas listed in the Revised General Ordinance of the City of Trenton and posted on the street.
The areas will be marked as follows:
- No Stopping or Standing
- No Parking Anytime
- Bus Stop
- Loading Zone
- Any area marked for time restricted parking
- Driveways (off-street parking).

It is the City of Trenton's policy not to grant a handicapped parking space to those who possess off-street parking.
Should any of the above-mentioned apply to you, the City of Trenton will not be able to issue a handicapped parking space.

Also, please note that the State of New Jersey requires that in order to establish a handicapped parking space, it must be at least 22 feet in length. If your property does not have the necessary frontage, you are required to obtain the adjoining property OWNER'S consent to have one or both of the signs placed on his/her property. Only the property OWNER may give you this consent. If not, your application will be delayed until the consent is given.

Please fill out the application as completely as possible. All of the information obtained will be used in making the final decision of providing the handicapped parking space. Once the Bureau of Traffic and Transportation has received the application, you will then be scheduled to appear before the Handicapped Parking Review Committee. Please be patient. This process may take two to three months due to the number of applications received by our Bureau.
I certify that the information submitted in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Please give an approximate time frame in which most of your daily trips are made:
Relationship to Applicant
Trips Per Day
Address *
City *
Trips Per Month
Sign Here
The applicant must be handicapped in such a manner that he or she has been prescribed a mobility aiding device. This device can include a cane, walker, braces, crutches, and/or artificial limb.
Please provide information concerning your trip frequency below. Include how many times a day, week, or month you make the following trips:
Vehicle Trips
Trips Per Week
(1) Medical Form: A professional medical doctor must certify the condition of the applicant. If you do not have this, your application will be tabled until we receive it. A copy will be attached to this application if you need it.

(2) Handicapped Person Identification Card (Issued by the State of New Jersey, Division of Motor Vehicles)

(3) NJ DMV Driver’s license

(4) NJ DMV Vehicle Registration

(5) Consent Forms:The handicapped parking space may be in front of one or two houses. You must submit Consent forms for all affected property owners. A copy will be attached to this application if you need it.
Phone Number
Department of Traffic and Transportation
319 East State Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08608
(609) 989-3628
Application for an On-Street
Handicapped Parking Space
A copy of the following is required and can be attached below:
Required Documentation
State *
Applicant Information
Physical Therapy
Designated Driver Information
Phone Number
Address *
Driver Name