Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Non-Refundable. Late fees will apply after January 15.
Email *
Attach the following required documents.
• Registration
• Driver's License
• Certificate of Insurance (not less than $100,000 per person with the Village as a Certificate Holder)
• Contractor's License
Last Name *
Property Details
New or Renewal *
Permit Year *
Applicant Type *
Mailing Address *
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Address 2
Vehicle Permit Application
Fee Due
NON-RESIDENT APPLICANTS: Please begin typing NON-RESIDENT and select 'NON-RESIDENT ADDRESS' in order to populate the necessary fields (you can type over the fields as necessary).
Permit Details
Phone # *
Village of
Ocean Beach
Pick up or delivery? *
Phone # 2
Fee Schedule
Hold Harmless Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Village of Ocean Beach (VOB) and its Trustees, officers, employees, contractors and agents against any and all claims and demands for any injury to persons or property arising from the use of the subject premises.   This indemnification and hold harmless clause shall survive the expiration or termination of the terms of this Permit with respect to acts or events occurring or alleged to have occurred during the term of this permit. I understand that permits granted under this application will be in accordance with current code regulations and that false statements made may subject permit to revocation or suspension.
Make checks payable to: Inc. Village of Ocean Beach.   All fees are NON-refundable and subject to late fees.
Mailing City, State, ZIP *
Applicant Details
Applicant Signature *
First Name *
Enter the details of each permit being requested. *
Address Search *