Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Property Owner's City
Start Time
End Date of Rain Date
  • It shall be unlawful for any individual to import merchandise for their sale with the intent of retailing as a primary objective.
  • Displayed merchandise must not impede pedestrian right of way.
  • **Signs will not be hung on town trees, telephone poles, stop signs or the like. Signs that are displayed will be removed within 24 hours after the sale and a penalty fee will be applied for each sign**
  • The undersigned has read the rules and regulations pertaining to this application and agrees to comply with same.
Type Of Merchandise To Be Displayed
A license shall be issued to any one household only twice within a twelve-month period, and no license shall be issued for more than two consecutive calendar days.

Provide details of previous sales within the same calendar year.

Applicant Information
Property Owner's Name
Start Date of Rain Date
All garage sales shall be conducted between the hours of 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM only.
In the event the inclement weather causes a scheduled sale to be cancelled, the holder of the license shall be entitled to hold the sale the following two weeks, on the same day of the week as originally scheduled, upon first presenting the license to the Clerk, who shall make the necessary date changes thereon. In the event your sale cannot proceed on the date above, provide an alternate sale date.
Note: Rain date must be on the same day within the following two weeks.
First Name
Start Date of Sale
I hereby state and certify that: I am the applicant or authorized representative of the applicant listed above; I read and understand the requirements and limitations governing the above-referenced sale; all of the information set forth in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Property Owner's Address
Rules And Regulations
Date of Previous Sale
Applicant Type
End Time
Sale Information
Sale Location
Are you the owner of the property?
Date of Previous Sale
Fee Schedule
Attach any necessary supporting documents to this application below. (Property Owner Letter of Consent, copy of 5013C, charity registration, etc.)
NOTE: there is a Maximum of 2 Consecutive Days for Garage/Yard Sales
Number of Consecutive Days (2 max)
Phone #
The fee for a Garage/Yard sale in {[CNAME]} is $5.00.
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct a garage sale or yard sale without first obtaining a license.
Nature of Previous Sale
End Date of Sale
Property Owner's Phone #
Applicant Signature
Rain Date
By signing below, the applicant affirms that the information contained above is true, correct, accurate and known to the applicant to be so. The applicant also acknowledges that they cannot post signs on poles, trees and other city property.
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Begin search by typing the address number and part of the street name and select from the list.
IMPORTANT: If this property is NOT a Residential property, then a Garage/Yard sale license CANNOT be issued for this address.
Previous Sales
Address of Sale
Last Name
Nature of Previous Sale
If you are NOT the property owner please fill out the information below. You also MUST attach a copy of the letter of consent from the owner of this property to this application.